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Create the Magical & Fulfilling Life You Really Want with an 11 Stage Process for Confidently Living Your Authentic Soul Self & Purpose
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    Monthly Mentorship Subscription ($99 per month)$99.00/mo
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    Annual Mentorship Subscription ($995 per year) Save $193$995.00/yr

Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Heart!

Special one-time offer, $22.50 (save 50%)
Get lifetime access to this 3 hour on-demand workshop. You'll be guided to release what is weighing on your mind using EFT/Tapping, to open your heart as the portal to your Soul & Source using the "Heart Opener" deep meditation and finally to access answers from your Soul using a guided heart focused enquiry.

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Here's what you get access to in Soul Odyssey:

The Soul Odyssey PROGRAM: a self-paced, sequential & comprehensive journey for your spiritual & personal development so you can align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment & magic!

The Soul Odyssey COMMUNITY & LIVE SUPPORT including:

Ongoing Weekly Live Group Zoom Sessions for Q&A and Spiritual Life Coaching with B, plus connection with other like-minded members. And replays in video & audio format. [approx 44 weekly sessions per year]

Private Discussion Forums with 24x7 access for sharing, brainstorming, connection, Q&A and support.

Private Community including Activity Feed & Private Inbox for secure messaging inside our Members Area to communicate with other members for connection and friendship in a safe and supportive environment.

The Soul Odyssey core program is an 11 Chapter Journey guiding you step by step through: pre-birth planning, arrival & separation, conditioning, challenges, the call, reconnection & rebirth, creating & conscious living, contribution, transcendence, transition and the invitation.

Each Chapter Includes: on-demand training in video & audio format, Soul Keystone audios, PDF resources (Reflection/Action Guides and more) + Q&A resources in video & audio format.

+ 20 Transformative Accelerator Modules! Including: Mindset for Miracles, Consciousness Turning Point, MASTER YOUR MIND, Tapping into Freedom, The Spiritual View, Salve, Spiritual Surrender, Soul Call, Messages Meant for You, Life Transitions, THE GREAT UNDOING, Energy Healing Toolkit, Mini Life Reset, Decision Making Method, Your Heart's Desire, The Universe & You, Your Infinite Self, Guided by Grace, Peace Project, and Your Best Year Yet.

Self-paced program to enjoy everything at your preferred rhythm, to suit your learning style and schedule.

Full Access to the program, community and live support for the duration of your active mentorship subscription. 

Choose Your Preferred Option: Monthly Plan or Annual Plan.

Pause or Cancel Anytime: by emailing

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

BONUS 1 - Get access to The Confidence Formula online workshop when you enroll in Soul Odyssey, for the solution to unwavering confidence 

BONUS 2 - Get access to B's special "Money & Me" online course to transform your relationship with money including rewiring your money beliefs and lifting your frequency for abundance.

  • Total payment
  • 1xSoul Odyssey Mentorship (Program, Community & Live Support)$0

All prices in USD

Customer Testimonial
Soul Odyssey has become my daily companion. Understanding the fundamental truths of my soul has allowed me to stand firm in my newly discovered authenticity. Due to B's unrivaled devotion and insight from decades of experience, every aspect of my life has improved. With new perspectives, I strengthened the bonds with my daughter. My health has improved. I no longer need anti-anxiety medication after 25 years - even during life-altering challenges. Now I calmy walk in love, knowing where to invest time & energy. My soul purpose is reaffirmed. I am forever grateful for Soul Odyssey and B's practically applied wisdom, which allows me to be filled daily with the wonder and magic of life.
